What Are Some Low Maintenance Hanging Plants?

In some gardens, there isn’t space for a lot of ground plants or containers. Moreover, you might not want the responsibility of such intense gardening. But whatever your situation, there are lots of hanging plants that require very little maintenance. 

These are great for the busy homeowner looking to add a splash of colour to their garden or for compact spaces where other types of plants might take over. 

If you’re keen to discover some of the best low maintenance hanging plants then you’ve come to the right place. This is our ultimate guide on which plants to choose and how to take care of them. And I promise, it won’t take more than a few minutes each day!

Low Maintenance Hanging Plants

I love gardening and brightening up my outdoor space. But the problem I have always had is finding the time to dedicate to properly caring for my plants. Leading a busy life with what feels like a million commitments, I’d often find plants in less than desirable condition because I simply don’t have the time. It’s pretty disheartening but then the realisation hit me; surely hanging plants are much lower maintenance. 

The great thing about hanging plants is that they can be used both indoors and outdoors so you’re not limited. Moreover, they have much better access to light so you won’t need to worry so much about finding the perfect spot. When you place plants on the ground, it’s easy for light to pass over them but in an elevated position, they’re in the optimal spot. They don’t require too much care although this does vary between species but as a general rule, they’re an excellent beginner plant.

So, with all of that in mind, here comes my list of some of the easiest hanging plants to care for, even if you’ve previously been hailed a plant murderer!

Spider Plant

For many years, I didn’t have much luck with houseplants, it took a lot of practice. But my first success was with a spider plant. Don’t be put off by the name, there’s no arachnids in sight but the long, narrow leaves do resemble spider’s leg’s, hence the name. 

These plants were massively popular in the 1970s but they then went out of fashion but since they’re so easy to maintain, it’s no wonder that people are jumping back on the bandwagon. What’s more, when they’re well established, spider plants are incredibly attractive. 

If you’re not at home much, spider plants are a great choice as they only need a small amount of water around once a week. In the cooler months, they can go for even longer. As a rule of thumb, you won’t want to add any water unless the soil is more than an inch dry. 

String Of Hearts

If you are looking for an elegant, attractive hanging plant that won’t take up too much of your time then the string of hearts, also known as the sweetheart vine, is a great choice. These plants are ridiculously hardy and will put up with a lot of neglect before they give up the ghost. 

They’re great as houseplants or in a hanging basket and have stunning heart shaped leaves, which is where the name comes from. You’ll typically be able to tell how well the plant is doing by the colour of the leaves which will lighten when it isn’t getting enough natural light. 

During summer, you will need to water around twice a week but as autumn sets in, you can reduce this to once a fortnight and the plant will be just fine. 

English Ivy

In many places across the world, English ivy is seen as invasive. However, if you’re growing it in a hanging container and keep a check on it, it shouldn’t get out of control. You will find that this plant thrives much better in cooler conditions so find a shady spot where possible. 

Otherwise, this is a pretty resilient plant that doesn’t require a lot of maintenance but has a lovely appearance that will add a rich green hue to the space. One important thing to keep in mind is that this plant is toxic to pets so make sure it is well out of their way. 

Boston Fern

Boston ferns are an excellent choice for people who do not have the time to dedicate to demanding plants. It will thrive in a variety of soil conditions and will do just as well in moist soil as it will in very dry soil. That said, you should aim to water it at least once a week. The Boston fern also likes a higher level of humidity so you will need to mist it if you cannot place it in a humid environment but this takes just seconds to do. 

If you want more than one hanging Boston fern then the good news is that it is easy to propagate. All you need to do is to take a shoot from the base of the fern and pop it in a new container and wait. 

String Of Pearls

When you look at the string of pearls, you could be forgiven for thinking you were looking at a pea plant as the likeness to these little veggies is uncanny. This is a succulent and requires hardly any maintenance from its owner so is perfect for people who are often away from the home. 

Being a succulent, you won’t need to water it very often, around once every two weeks should be more than enough but do check to make sure the soil is dry down to around 1 ½ inches.

The string of pearls can grow to be quite long; up to three feet for a healthy plant. With this in mind, it’s worth placing them as high as possible as they are toxic to cats and dogs. 

Heartleaf Philodendron

One of the great things about the heartleaf philodendron is that it is an evergreen. It also has beautiful heart shaped leaves so is sometimes called the sweetheart plant - not to be confused with the sweetheart vine I mentioned earlier. 

It is possible for these plants to flower but it’s not all that common. When they do, the blooms are small, white and very attractive. 

For people who cannot spend a lot of time taking care of plants, the heartleaf philodendron is perfect as it is one of the hardiest on this list. If you accidentally forget to water it or are away for a long time, it’ll tolerate drought exceptionally well. Of course, you should water it and this only needs to be done every one to two weeks. 

Be mindful that this particular plant is toxic to pets so keep it well out of the way of cats and dogs.

Things To Keep In Mind When Choosing Hanging Plants

Despite the above plants requiring very little maintenance, you’re still going to have to provide some care to your new green friends. Thinking about this, you will need to decide just how much or little maintenance you are willing to give and this will better help you choose the right kind of plant for your home. 


All plants need water but how much they need can vary wildly between species. Some can go a few weeks between waterings while others might need topping up every few days. Even if you choose something that needs watering a little more frequently, this still isn’t going to massively eat into your schedule as watering a plant takes seconds. 

However, you will want to consider how often you can be present to water your hanging plant. For example, if you’re often away for business or spend a lot of time out of the house, it’s not going to be as easy to set a watering routine. In this case, I’d suggest going for something that can tolerate less frequent drinks.


There is a rumour on the internet that there are some plants that require no light at all. Often called ‘zero light’ plants. While there are some species that can put up with very little natural light, I’m yet to discover a hanging plant that can tolerate complete darkness. 

You’ll need to figure out how much light a plant needs and where best to place it. If your home doesn’t get a lot of natural light then choose plants that are better equipped to handle these conditions. 


Some plants are toxic to humans and animals. If you’re a single adult living alone then it really doesn’t matter too much. I’m confident you’re not going to start nibbling on your new plants. However, if you have children or pets then it’s a good idea to avoid plants that could be toxic. 

Even though the plants will be suspended, it’s not impossible for kids or pets to get creative and reach the plant one way or another. While it’s unlikely in most cases, it’s better to be safe than sorry. 


Plants, along with the correct water and light levels, all have different needs when it comes to humidity. Again, you will need to consider the environment within your home or garden and buy suitable plants. You’ll also need to consider how humid the plant needs an environment to be and whether you can help this using tools like a humidifier.

If not, then you will need to add spraying into your plant care routine. Again, this isn’t going to take up huge amounts of time but it will add that little extra bit of maintenance. 


Hanging plants are the perfect option for many types of people; gardening newbies, those with busy schedules or people who don’t otherwise have a lot of space. In any case, there are a whole host of hanging plants that are low maintenance and easy to care for. You’ll be amazed at how your plant game just took a step to the next level.