
The 5 Largest Indoor Shopping Centres In The UK – Plus Walkthrough Videos

Post originally on: Is there anything better than a bit of retail therapy? It can certainly take away the blues on a rainy day when you can’t get outdoors, not to mention the thrill of finding a hidden gem. One of the great things about the UK is that it is littered with some incredible shopping

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9 Best Cheap Weekend Break Ideas In The UK

Originally posted on: world has a lot to offer and Brits are forever jetting off in search of white sandy beaches, exciting city breaks and green landscapes. But we often forget what’s sitting right on our doorstep. The UK is home to stunning national parks, historical towns and some real gems of beaches. If

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Map Reading – Common Terrain Features In A Topographic Map

Topographic maps are detailed, quantitative representations of real-world terrain in two-dimensional map form. They use the concept of contour lines to indicate the shape of the landscape and allow users to visualize the presence and extent of key terrain features including hills, ridges, valleys and depressions. Other features including streets, rivers and vegetation are indicated

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15 Great Family Days Out Ideas in the UK (2023 update)

Post Originally on: There is nothing more precious than seeing your children’s sheer delight and hearing their screeching cries of joy on a great family day out. With so much conflicting information concerning family day-out ideas, I have decided to compile this carefully curated, well-researched list of the 15 best UK family day-out ideas

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What’s the Difference Between Tinder and Kindling? – We Explain all Here

Building a fire is one of the most important elements while camping. The three things you need to build a fire are tinder, fuel and kindling. Fuel can be any material you burn to produce the fire. While you are camping, the fuel is generally timber or firewood.  So, tinder vs kindling: what’s the difference?

What’s the Difference Between Tinder and Kindling? – We Explain all Here Read More »

Is Polyester Waterproof?

Polyester is commonly used in clothing, including outdoor gear, due to its water resistant features. Polyester can be made waterproof through several different ways including combining it with another material or using a spray coating. In this article, we’ll explain what polyester is, how water resistant it is, and its suitability for use in outdoor

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Is Nylon Waterproof?

The short answer is that no, unfortunately, nylon is not waterproof. It is a fabric that will naturally absorb water and once it is soaked through, it will allow water to seep through it. Certain manufacturing aspects of nylon can make it more water-resistant. Additionally, nylon is a great base for many water-resistant products. When

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How to Play Bottle Bash – The Complete Game Guide

Article originally on: If you’re heading out for a day at the beach or going to a family barbecue, you may be looking for a good game to keep everybody entertained – that’s where Bottle Bash takes over! Read on to find out what Bottle Bash is and how to play this fun (and highly

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Is It Ok To Park a Caravan In a Street, Residential Area, Roadside or Outside Your House?

Finding an appropriate parking area for a caravan can be slightly tricky. Every caravanner knows the struggle. It is especially perplexing for caravan owners to park in residential areas because while there are some benefits, several downsides are also there.  There are a bunch of rules to abide by when you park a caravan in

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What Is A Pup Tent?

When it comes to choosing a tent for your camping trip, there are certainly a lot of options. But if you’re looking for something much simpler than some of the high end modern tents, then there is one type of tent that will suit your needs above all others; the pup tent. The name might

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How To Complain About A Neighbour’s Caravan

Caravans are popular recreational vehicles but let’s face it, they’re not always welcome in residential areas. Of course, the laws around this may differ greatly from the opinions of local residents so it’s worth thinking about how to achieve a balance that will please everyone.  However, if you have a neighbour whose caravan poses nothing

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